The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a large family of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more serious respiratory infections like bronchitis, pneumonia or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Coronaviruses are spread mainly from person to person through close contact, for example, in a household, workplace or health care centre. Here is some important information for patients from Health Authorities:
Toronto Public Health
Ontario Ministry of Health
The clinic is taking precaution measures to ensure protection and safety for all. In order to enter the clinic, you will be required to wear a mask at all times and need to be able to answer NO to following questions:
- Have experienced fever, flu like symptoms, difficulty breathing, and/or new onset of cough, sore throat, trouble swallowing, loss of sense of smell or taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?
- Have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable case of Covid-19?
If you answer "YES" to any of the above questions, you will not be able to enter the clinic. You should email Patient Services at [email protected] or call (416) 233-8111 ext. 1 so we can provide further guidance and consultation.
Visiting the Clinic
In an abundance of caution, health authorities are promoting social distancing in these unprecedented times. We all need to cooperate and come together to help foster this important concept in keeping everyone safe. As such, when visiting the clinic, these important steps need to be followed:
- No children should accompany you to the clinic
- Partner support is important to our well being, at the current however, we ask that your partner not accompany you into the ultrasound room during a scan or into the exam room for examination
New Patient/Patient Follow-Ups
Our commitment to supporting patients has not changed at this time. New Patient Consults or Patient Follow-Ups with the doctor will be held through virtual consultation. This means the session can be done by phone or through video conferencing with Skype, FaceTime, or What’s App. Patient Services will coordinate a date and time with you to ensure your consultation can take place from the comfort of your home. Click for virtual consult tips >
IUI / IVF / FET / Diagnostic Services
The clinic is supporting patients in a controlled manner in providing services for patient safety. Patient Services and Nursing are here to support you in a virtual capacity helping to map this out.
Patients Accessing Funded IVF Services
For patients looking to benefit from funded IVF services, please contact Patient Services to set-up a virtual consult to secure the initial steps of accessing this program. There are many steps that can be achieved at the current time to allow for a quick transition to the initiating of the cycle upon full resumption of services.