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The ReproMed Difference

Success Rates & Stories

Several factors affect the success rates of those undergoing the IVF process. ReproMed is proud to share our results following the reporting guidelines of the Canadian Fertility & Andrology Society (CFAS) using the CARTR Plus framework to assist patients in making the right decision in growing their family.

A track record of treatment success


The results from ReproMed IVF cycles, based on CFAS guidelines, are broken down as follows:


  • Patients using their own eggs undergoing IVF without PGT-A testing
  • Patients using their own eggs undergoing IVF with PGT-A testing
  • Patient using donor eggs undergoing IVF without PGT-A testing
  • Patient using donor eggs undergoing IVF with PGT-A testing


A patients overall chance of becoming pregnant significantly increases for those that continue with additional transfers. As such, we would like to also share with you cumulative pregnancy rates for those that continued with subsequent cycles using frozen embryos created in their initial IVF cycle.

Patients using their own eggs undergoing IVF without PGT-A testing

Time Period to Which the Data Refers January 2019 to December 2021
Main Outcome Measure Clinical Pregnancy defined as the presence of a gestational sac on ultrasound
Excluding Fertility Preservation and PGT-A, Number of Egg Collections Performed for patients using their own eggs 485
Number that did not result in at least one embryo transfer (fresh or frozen) 37 (8%)
Number of Primary Embryo Transfers 406
Total # of Embryo Transfers (Fresh + Frozen) 872


Fresh Embryo Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using own eggs)

Patient Age Cycle Number (199) Clinical Pregnancy Rate
< 35 82 41%
35-37 45 22%
38-40 48 27%
41-42 21 33%
43 or older 3 33%


Frozen-Thaw Embryo Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using own eggs)

Patient Age Cycle Number (673) Clinical Pregnancy Rate
< 35 284 55%
35-37 168 40%
38-40 127 40%
41-42 61 26%
43 or older 33 15%


Primary Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using own eggs)


Cycle Number (406) Clinical Pregnancy Rate
173 49%
94 38%
83 33%
37 32%
19 26%


Cumulative Outcome Per Retrieval that Resulted in At least One Embryo Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using own eggs)


Cylce Number (335) Clinical Pregnancy Rate
158 81%
67 64%
70 51%
29 45%
11 36%

Patients using their own eggs undergoing IVF with PGT-A testing

Time Period to Which the Data Refers January 2019 to December 2021
Main Outcome Measure Clinical Pregnancy defined as the presence of a gestational sac on ultrasound
Number of Egg Collections Performed for patients using their own egg in which PGT-A was planned 143
Number that did not result in at least one embryo transfer (fresh or frozen) 39 (27%)
Number of Primary Embryo Transfers 78
Total # of Embryo Transfers (Fresh + Frozen) 121


Frozen-Thaw Embryo Transfer (PGT-A, patients using own eggs)

Patient Age Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
< 35 49 53%
35-37 38 55%
38-40 25 64%
41-42 7 43%
43 or older 2 100%


Primary Transfer (PGT-A, patients using own eggs)

Patient Age Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
< 35 31 48%
35-37 24 54%
38-40 16 75%
41-42 5 40%
43 or older 2 100%


Cumulative Outcome Per Retrieval that Resulted in At least One Embryo Transfer (PGT-A, patients using own eggs)

Patient Age Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
< 35 44 70%
35-37 33 61%
38-40 30 67%
41-42 13 46%
43 or older 5 60%

Patient using donor eggs undergoing IVF without PGT-A testing


Fresh Embryo Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
46 61%


Frozen-Thaw Embryo Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
415 48%


Primary Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
161 57%


Cumulative Outcome Per Retrieval that Resulted in At least One Embryo Transfer (non-PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
73 88%

Patient using donor eggs undergoing IVF with PGT-A testing


Frozen-Thaw Embryo Transfer (PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
155 54%


Primary Transfer (PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
93 56%


Cumulative Outcome Per Retrieval that Resulted in At least One Embryo Transfer (PGT-A, patients using donor eggs)

Cycle Number Clinical Pregnancy Rate
143 79%

Stories to Inspire

We’ve been honoured to play a part in helping so many potential parents from around the world realize their hopes of having a family

P & CD's Story

Just want to say a huge thank you to the amazing Dr. Del Valle, the nurses and staff at ReproMed. When we found out IVF would be our only option (secondary infertility) to have a baby we were scared and very overwhelmed about what we were about to go through. Dr. Del Valle was nothing but amazing and explained every step we were about to go through. I must say I was scared at how long this would take to conceive. 15 eggs retrieved, 7 embryos at 5 day blasts is what we ended up with and we were over the moon excited about the numbers. We did a 5 day fresh transfer that took and stuck with us for the long haul. Our baby girl was born recently  weighing 6lbs 10oz and measuring 18” long. Nothing but pure perfection.



DR's Story

Finally getting a chance to say thank you to all the wonderful staff at ReproMed for our miracle babies born last year healthy and handsome boys. Special thanks to Dr. Del Valle for all his support and encouragement through such an unsure time.



S & L's Story

Our route before arriving at the clinic and ReproMed was an Odyssey.  Over nearly 14 years, we had gone to more than four clinics in four different Italian cities: Barga, Pisa, Florence and Rome. In none of these we found the reception, understanding, availability and professionalism that we found in the staff of the clinic ReproMed.  Especially in the figure of Dr. Alfonso Del Valle, that with simplicity and kindness reassured and comforted us. In short, recently our beautiful baby was born and we are the proud parents.  We can not help but to thank Dr. Del Valle and all the staff for this immense joy that have allowed us to try.  With love and gratitude. 



JB & CC's Story

I have again had success with the amazing staff at ReproMed! After three months we were blessed with a positive for being pregnant!  After the first doctor’s appt, we were advised to get an ultrasound and found out that we were having twins this time! Thx so much to a forever amazing crew! With hugs JB, CC, & all the kids!